Aviator Gear salutes CCATT

Aviator Gear is proud to support the brave men and women of the Critical Care Air Transport Teams who put themselves in harm’s way to provide critical medical aid to our troops in combat. For all of our CCATT products, we add 50% more product to your order quantity free of charge. Order 100 patches, get 50 more for free. This is our way of showing our appreciation for their incredible life saving skills and combat service. The teams give each patient with one of their custom patches, as a memento of the care that they received. On this page are some of the great ideas we have been proud to help them with.

The CCATT team is a highly specialized three-person medical team, that operates a mobile intensive care unit during flight from the AOR. They are a primary component of the Air Force's aeromedical evacuation (AE) system, consisting of an emergency trained physician, a critical care nurse, and a respiratory therapist. The CCATT can turn almost any type of aircraft into a flying ICU. The team cares for critically ill or injured patients with trauma, shock, burns, or other life-threatening complications. Learn more here.

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221 N Hogan St, Ste 369
Jacksonville, FL 32202

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