Civilian Challenge Coins

Custom challenge coins for the Civilian. Your Civilian coins include free design services with low one-time die charges.

GFP Hurricane Coin

$5.25 each

Qty - 100

Ghost Robotics Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100


$5.47 each

Qty - 100

Gold County Kuk Sool Won Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

Guam Seabee Ball 2025 Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

Guardian Flight Coin

$6.79 each

Qty - 100

Guzzlers DC softball club Bottle Opener Coin

$14.44 each

Qty - 100

Hamilton Sundstrand NP2000 Coin

$8.10 each

Qty - 100

Hanohano Coin

$6.13 each

Qty - 100

Harford County Sheriffs CID Coin

$6.57 each

Qty - 100

Harwood K Smith Mission Critical Coin

$5.91 each

Qty - 100

Hensel Phelps Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

Heroes and Villains 2018 Coin

$5.47 each

Qty - 100

Hickam Communities LLC Coin

$5.47 each

Qty - 100

Hiland Park Baptist Church Coin

$5.04 each

Qty - 100

Horizon Arms Research Coin

$5.69 each

Qty - 100

HSI Special Agent Training Class 2412 Coin

$8.75 each

Qty - 100


$5.69 each

Qty - 100

International Plastic Modelers' Society Fort Crook Coin

$7.88 each

Qty - 100

Interstate Towing Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

Iron Dog Race Inc Bottle Opener Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

ISC Coin

$4.60 each

Qty - 100

Island Palm Communities LLC Coin

$5.47 each

Qty - 100

Jasper County Fire Rescue Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

JAX Bridges 10th Anniversary Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

JAX Bridges Entrepreneuer Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

JE Dunn Construction Coin

$5.91 each

Qty - 100

Jeff Lewis & Friend coin

$5.91 each

Qty - 100

Jim Found Tonopah Coin

$4.60 each

Qty - 100

Jim Tucc Airshows LLC Coin

$6.57 each

Qty - 100

John Erickson Styrka Coin

$5.69 each

Qty - 100

Johnston Community College Basic Law Enforcement Training Coin

$7.44 each

Qty - 100

Joint Fires and Info Ops Team Coin

$6.79 each

Qty - 100

Joint Nuclear Operations Center NC3 Watch Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

JSOAC Africa Forward Aviation Detachment Niamey Coin

$6.57 each

Qty - 100

Kuparuk Spill Response Team Coin

$7.44 each

Qty - 100

L3Harris Technologies Coin

$5.25 each

Qty - 100

Legislative Fellows 2013

$4.60 each

Qty - 100

Lewis Air Legends Coin

$5.25 each

Qty - 100

LMCO T-50 Challenge Coin

$4.60 each

Qty - 100

LMCO T-50 Gold Coin

$4.60 each

Qty - 100

Lowndes County Sheriff's Office Narcotics Coin

$6.35 each

Qty - 100

Marine Corps League Sgt. Dannie O. Phillips Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

Maveris 100 Strong Coin

$6.57 each

Qty - 100

Medco Winn Army Community Hospital Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

M-Flares Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

Miami Dade Fire Rescue HAZMAT Team Coin

$7.00 each

Qty - 100

Minority Air Force Officers Coin

$7.22 each

Qty - 100

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